If you are not aware already, the government has announced that in the coming years they plan on banning the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles (newly registered, that is) in place for electric vehicles, which are seen to be the more sustainable option of the future.
But where does this leave diesel vehicles? Will they soon be off our roads, never to be driven again? Not quite, so no need to fret. Read on below as we explain how the government’s plans and the shift to more sustainable driving will affect the future of diesel vehicles.
By 2030?
As we’ve mentioned, the government has declared that the sale of new petrol and diesel cars will be prohibited from 2030 onwards, with the exception of hybrid vehicles until 2035. The key in this wording is the description of these being ‘new’; just because the only cars you can buy brand new will be electric, that doesn’t mean that you cannot buy or drive petrol and diesel cars second-hand.
This means that you have nothing to worry about if you find diesel cars particularly convenient for your driving needs. In reality, we assume that diesel and petrol vehicles will still be the most prominent on the road at this point, especially considering that the majority of people choose not to buy their car brand new due to the large expense that comes with doing so.
Whilst we expect combustion vehicles will still be dominating the road at this point, it can be expected that diesel repairs will still be readily available from mechanics and garages – perhaps not to the standard you would get from a specialist company, such as Welham Group, but still to a working standard.
By 2050?
By 2050, diesel vehicles may be more of a rarity on UK roads. By this point, the currently planned ban will have been in place for 20 years, which means that any diesel vehicles will be starting to reach the end of their lifespan, especially the more miles they have travelled.
It is presumed that both the convenience and accessibility of electric vehicles will have further progressed by then, with more and more people opting for these instead of repurchasing diesel cars, which will require specialist diesel engine repairs and maintenance in order to extend their lifespan and still be drivable.
Not to mention, they will likely be much more expensive to run at this point, also. This will be down to a potentially more limited fuel supply, less quality servicing available and more congestion charges like those we are already seeing coming into place around the country today.
Diesel Specialists
Fear not, for we’ve still a couple of decades into the future before this becomes a more pressing issue, so the diesel vehicle that you currently own is perfectly fine to drive and is actually one of the most convenient vehicles that you can choose to drive – why not check out our blog post on this here?
If you find that you do run into any issues, however, then we can help you here at Welham Group. Based in Leicester, we are diesel specialists who can get your vehicle up and running again in no time at all. Whether it’s a faulty engine or fuel injector, our diesel repair services are next to none.
Get in touch with us today for more information.